The greatest reward is when your clients grow with you as a business, or in this case when you as a small business grow with your clients…
In this case our first and one of our most loyal clients The MediaShop
Recently we had the pleasure of not only witnessing but documenting their entry into a new era when they moved to setup shop in their brand new offices on the Main Straight.
The excitement on the day was electric and with activities ranging from the stock standard ribbon cutting officially opening the building to The MediaShop employees that have never before seen the new premises, to a drumming circle to build some team moral, to an amazing race challenge to explore their new surroundings all hyped by the outside broadcast courtesy of Hot 91.9
We of course had to keep it creative and conceptual and when we were briefed to document and cover the events of the day we suggested something a little different. Tasked with such a big event we felt that we had to create something special for all the clients and suppliers who weren’t lucky enough to make it to the official opening to be featured on their website.
Our suggestion was taking the age old boring virtual tour and flipping it on it’s head by taking the viewer through the office with all of the employees playing out a dramatic mannequin challenge.
The results, an amazing tour through their new home with familiar faces decorating each and every corner.
We hope you like and enjoy the tour and we wish The MediaShop the best of luck in their new home…
The Mediashop Mannequinn Challenge from Drawn to Light on Vimeo.